Frederiksberg Center behind the glass
Architecture is about people

Architecture is about people 

As a design studio, we are rooted in a Nordic design tradition that puts people first.

We take a holistic approach to architecture, ensuring that the project not only meets functional, flow and sustainability requirements, but also addresses the given context, has an inherent resilience to meet future needs and is buildable within the financial framework.

We work closely with the client, relevant specialists and future users to ensure that the architecture unlocks the full potential of the project - both now and in the future. 

Building site Nuuk School November 2021 KHR Architecture
Design and construction supervision are just some of KHR's architectural services

Architectural services in all phases

We are a design studio that provides architectural services in all project phases and for many different types of construction. In addition to sketching, programming and designing construction, we can also advise and supervise the project.

We have extensive experience in obtaining the necessary building permits and typically take care of the regulatory project for our client before the main project starts.

Our team is composed of architects, designers and engineers, so we can work holistically and purposefully regardless of the project phase.

Competent architectural services based on industry and user insights

Sector understanding promotes good architecture

Architecture is about people, which is why it's vital that we understand your world. KHR has built up decades of knowledge about usage patterns and sector-specific requirements across a range of building types and industries. 

Our specialties include educational buildinghealth buildingscommercial domicilesinfrastructure projects and residential buildings.

Sct Hans forensic psychiatry
Architectural services from KHR are always based on the specific project

Architecture cannot be put into a formula

Each assignment is unique, and we always start from the premises and possibilities of the specific project. This also means that architecture from KHR can have many expressions and cannot be put into an easily recognisable formula. The common thread lies in the good flows, the well-considered materials and the constructive spaces that are created for people and in the urban space. 

See examples of KHR's projects.


The architecture of the AdO Arena and Amalie Skram Secondary School in Bergen brings together the school and swimming...

HafenCity in Hamburg is a popular new district that has sprung up in recent years. A new 8-lane...

In connection with Quantum Immobilien AG's acquisition of Beckmanns Tårn and Vilhelm Hus in Carlsberg Byen, KHR...