KHR Architecture has added two new profiles to its ownership circle as Professor Jan Søndergaard steps down as owner and partner. The aim is rejuvenation combined with continuity.
The two new profiles are architect MAA Janina Zerbe and company director Lars Kragh.
"As an architectural firm known for challenging, it is crucial to continuously bring in younger talent," says Director Lars Kragh. "Janina Zerbe has been with the company for four years and has been the partner in charge at Bispebjerg Akut Hospital, on several residential projects and is currently the partner in charge on projects in NUUK and Norway. She has contributed significantly to the development of the firm and has shown a high level of commitment and dedication, and we are very pleased that her affiliation is now strengthened by her joining the ownership circle," continues Lars Kragh.
Lars Kragh himself has been a director of KHR for 6 years and now, as a natural consequence of his commitment to the company, also joins as a partner and co-owner.
Jan Søndergaard
Jan Søndergaard has worked 40 years in KHR. He will leave the ownership and the management, but will continue as a senior partner participating in KHR's design processes and with tasks in the company's research and development unit ATELIER KHR.
"It is a great strength for the firm that we can continue to benefit from Jan's ideas, perspectives and experience," Lars Kragh explains. Jan Søndergaard has been responsible for several major works, including The Danish Pavilion in Seville, Bang & Olufsen Headquarters, Fiberline in Middelfart, Holy Cross Church in Jyllinge and Pihl & Søn Headquarters in Lyngby is among the most prominent. The latter was listed in 2018.
The process of expanding the ownership with younger forces will continue in the coming years. "A strong interaction between our younger forces and our very experienced forces is essential for continued innovation and to ensure a healthy company with surplus to cultivate the courage and empathy of our employees," concludes Lars Kragh.
KHR works on projects for public and private clients in Denmark and Norway. Today, new office buildings and shopping centres are being built at Østerport Station, Saint Hans forensic psychiatry in Roskilde and a Children's hospital in Bergen, as well as several residential projects in Copenhagen and Norway. KHR has completed tender projects on Bispebjerg Acute Hospital and on Faculty of Health Sciences in Odense. Overall, the company has 80 employees and a turnover of 50 MDKK and ambitions to increase turnover within the next few years.
The owners of KHR will be partners Mikkel Beedholm, Henrik Danielsen, Janina Zerbe and Lars Kragh. Managing Director is Lars Kragh.