The vision for Kregmehusene is to create a special place that appeals to diversity and community. A place where people of all ages and backgrounds will be able to live out their dreams in a good, safe and community-oriented setting, where fellow human beings, nature and sustainability are key elements of the life lived. The development will be approximately 16,500 m2 with a combination of social and private housing in a delegated developer model.
Architect and PhD Vicki Thake is part of one of 10 interdisciplinary teams that have each been awarded 250,000 DKK for the development and use of materials based on the Dreyer Fund Open Call on #MATERIALS.
KHR Architecture is the architectural advisor for Novo Nordisk Fonden and Region Zealand in a comprehensive project to improve the physical environment for diabetes care in the region. This month, two modernised outpatient clinics were inaugurated.
KHR has supported Novo Nordisk Fonden and Region Zealand as architectural consultant in connection with the establishment of Steno Diabetes Center Zealand, especially at hospitals in Køge, Nykøbing F., Holbæk, Roskilde and Slagelse as well as in psychiatry. The aim has been to ensure high architectural quality and a common thread across the centres.
The Austrian government has earmarked €2.4 billion for new school construction and renovation over a 10-year period. Educational construction is one of KHR's main areas of expertise and Palle Bo Rasmussen was invited to share the firm's experience with a number of the decision-makers and professionals who will be helping to implement the Austrian school development programme in the coming years.
KHR Architecture appoints three associate partners to help shape the future of KHR and ensure a generational change in partners over the next five years. The appointment comes as KHR expands its partner base from four to seven.