Østerport 2 meeting rooms
What is space management? Managing space to best support your needs and business operations is not easy. Good space planning ensures you get full value from your existing or new office or domicile.

Space planning is about seeing opportunities

Very often, existing buildings can be transformed and modernised to suit changing wants and needs. Our architects, specialising in space planning, can help you see the possibilities and, in collaboration with our more technically based building consultants, provide you with estimates of the solutions outlined.

The space planning tasks we solve range from large transformations from industrial buildings to offices to smaller revitalizations of existing office environments. Either way, we always start from the users' needs and focus on architectural robustness, so that the spaces are geared to meet the changes that are always around the corner in a dynamic business.

Iben Tjelum Executive Secretary EIFO
Iben Tjelum, Head of Secretariat at EIFO has been responsible for a comprehensive space planning process in connection with the merger of three organisations. Photo: EIFO

"We have been very pleased that they have immediately captured the essence of our new organisation, even though we are in the process of not only relocating, but also merging and establishing a new corporate culture.

There has been a great responsiveness and ability to understand who we are and how the new house will be used. KHR has managed to understand what visual expression will match us, even though our new visual identity was not ready at the time of choosing the design and fixtures. Mai and the team chose an appealing Nordic look, and not much has changed. It's definitely a result of listening to who we are."

- Iben Tjelum, Head of Secretariat, EIFO

Often, existing settings can be adapted to new needs through innovative space planning.

Space planning is sustainable renewal

Sustainable construction is a priority for many. Avoiding new construction and revitalising an existing property saves precious resources. 

Many of our clients are surprised at what is possible within the confines of their existing properties when our professional space planners get to work sketching. 

It can therefore be a good investment to find out whether it is necessary to buy or build new, or whether your needs can be met in a new version of the existing office, domicile or retail environment.

Entrance hall at EIFO
Qualitative and quantitative methods provide an optimal basis for good space management.

Scientific approach provides full value

Some people associate space planning with the actual interior design, but the concept goes much further: we use scientific methods - both quantitative and qualitative - to arrange your square metres so that your employees, users or customers thrive optimally. We look at existing relationships, patterns and needs, as well as the new objectives that your physical space needs to support.

Glasblokkene II play area with a view - space planning for kids
Good architecture for the long term should be based on your current needs, but at the same time designed so that your interior can be adapted relatively easily to new needs that are sure to arise.

Good architecture starts from within

Space planning and interior design thinking should be part of the architectural process when building new. 

At KHR we make user-centric architecture with a strong focus on creating good flows in the building. At the same time, the architecture must be sustainable, so that it can be adapted to changing needs. This provides an optimal starting point for a good space planning process.

Even if you are working with another architectural firm, we can support you as an independent advisor with expertise in space planning, so you can be sure that your new building is used to its full potential.

It can therefore be a good investment to find out whether it is necessary to buy or build new, or whether your needs can be met in a new version of the existing office, domicile or retail environment.


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