The user processes for the new Bispebjerg Acuthus is in full swing and we are very proud of the great feedback from users, which FAOD brought in an article on 13 May. "I am very impressed with the architects. They are drawing as we speak. For example, when we talk about what the patient cabins should look like. One of the other radiographers said to me 'you have to be careful what you say, because they execute it immediately', says senior radiographer Jan Bovin from the X-ray department at Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital. "The user involvement is a big process that KHR Architects in collaboration with WHR Architects has started in the provision proposal phase with workshops and mock-up and it extends to the delivery of the project proposal. User involvement is carried out at a highly specialised level with a focus on clinical processes and the consideration of patients, relatives and staff.We look forward to continuing the user process that will ensure a better everyday life in the hospital of the future.