Avoid duplication in your ESG reporting

Gathering evidence for the E, S and G areas of an ESG report is a lot of work. Although many companies already have a lot of useful data, it is a challenge to match the available data with your metrics that feed into an ESG report. ESG reporting.

The Danish Council for Sustainable Construction has helped with this task by creating an ESG guide and an accompanying Excel sheet that makes it easy to identify which of the data points that many already have from DGNB or taxonomy work can be included in an ESG report.

By utilising data from DGNB certification and Taxonomy verification, you have already ensured that your documentation is based on official measurement standards and has been approved by independent experts.

The ESG tool provides an overview of the correlation between different metrics within E, S, and G and your data from DGNB certification and/or EU taxonomy verification.

According to the Council for Sustainable Construction, the ESG tool will be updated with new data points as EU and DGNB requirements evolve.

The current version of the ESG Excel tool is based on the following three sources:

- DGNB 'New buildings and major renovations' - version 2023
- DGNB 'Buildings in operation' - version 2023
- EU taxonomy (7.1, 7.2 and 7.7)

and compared with these three ESG factors:

- Generic ESG categories
- The EU taxonomy's environmental goals
- The main categories in ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards)

Download the free ESG Excel tool here or read more at rfbb.dk.

If you need advice or assistance with your ESG work, please contact KHR architecture's Director of Client Consultancy Peter Nielsen.