
Fully automated car parks in Ørestad tie the new district together and at the same time light up like icons in a new city.


New icons for a new city

A new modern city also needs new icons. Just as the Metro expresses our time through an automated system, the car parks in Ørestad will express the same identity, just on a more local level.
The transparent design of the facades provides a clear view of the cars and the fully automatic operation. A bright and light facade that can adapt to the different urban situations in which the car park will be located. At night, the car park will stand like a luminous lantern in the city. The most important thing is that there is transparency to the function and therefore also to the "icon". There is no signage, the P-house is signage in itself.

Creates coherence

The car parks in Ørestad fit into the new urban structure in an excellent way. The local roads are access roads to the car parks, and will act as a shortcut to the traffic structure of the city.
Their location, together with the Metro, will create a link between the urban districts and the local environment. As the Metro is the backbone of Ørestad's transport structure, the car parks will connect across the city district and link the local network.


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