• Rønne Water Culture Centre - user process


Rønne Svømmehal's board of directors has initiated a process to secure the town an aquatic culture centre when the old swimming pool in the town closes. KHR Architecture's user involvement experts have facilitated a process that has given the board a strong basis for realising the dream of an aquatic cultural centre. Stakeholders from the local community as well as representatives from tourist organisations and potential foundations have been involved to create a solid foundation for function, flow and financing.

Rønne Swimming Pool

Support from the local community

The user process for Rønne Vandkulturhus was organised around three workshops. The first workshop centred on the potential location at Nørrekås and the identification of stakeholder groups. The aim was to identify the qualities and potential of the site and to build community support for the project by creating a space where everyone had a voice.
In addition to presentations and discussions, there was a lot of input via physical postcards where participants shared their positive and negative thoughts about the upcoming project.

Next step: Development of programme and sketch proposal

With the report from the user process in hand, the board of Rønne Svømmehal has succeeded in obtaining funding from Sparekassen Bornholm for the establishment of the commercial foundation Bornholms Vandkulturhus. This makes it possible to start the next phase and prepare an actual space programme and a sketch proposal for the new swimming pool.

User process paves the way for new aquatic centre

The swimming pool in Rønne is nearing the end of its lifespan, and the swimming centre's board has therefore taken the initiative to investigate the possibility of bringing a new swimming pool to the town.
Neither the mandate nor the funding to build a new swimming pool is in place, so KHR Architecture has been asked to conduct a user processas a first step along the way. The goal is to identify stakeholders for a new swimming pool and their needs and wishes, possible financing options and ultimately a concrete space programme for a future aquatic culture centre.

Identify and harmonise needs and wishes

Based on the conclusions from the first workshop and a meeting about operating conditions and finances, the future users of the aquatic culture centre were invited to a workshop where the identity and function of the centre was on the agenda.

Participants worked in small groups, aided by prioritisation boards and stickers. The output was an identification of the project framework as a starting point for concrete choices and the preparation of an actual space programme, which was presented and discussed in a third workshop.


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