In the beautiful city of Parma, known for its art, music and food, the metro connects the dense historic city with the new, more modern urban space. KHR designed the metro stations to be functional, safe and easy to navigate for travellers.
Impresa Pizzarotti & C, Ingegneria Via Servizi, F. Morello Consultning Engineers ApS

Modern addition to the streetscape
The stations are structured with high sloping walls and sandstone surfaces, as in the monuments of the medieval city, and like Parma's narrow streets, daylight travels far down from above, illuminating the stations in a warm friendly light. Above ground, the skylights for the metro are designed as delicate sculptural glass prisms, creating an elegant effect in the urban space. The metro landings are designed with the same concept in mind: to provide a discreet and modern addition to the streetscape that is visible without being overbearing.

Inspired by medieval architecture
Parma is a beautiful city known for its art, music and food. An old town with narrow streets and fine stone pavements, it is also a modern city with new town centres being developed by the university to the east and the motorway access to the west.
Parma's new metro connects Parma's dense historic city with the new urban centres under development, creating a new urban space underground inspired by Parma's beautiful medieval architecture.

"Above ground, the deep stations are designed to be functional, easy to read and survey. Bright sandstone, skylights and beautiful artificial lighting create a bright and friendly world below ground that feels safe and secure for travellers."
Peter Nielsen, Head of Building Consultancy, KHR Architecture