
In the Copenhagen metro daylight from above links the two worlds below and above ground. The pyramidal skylights, designed by KHR, guide passengers from the urban space to the platform level of the stations.


"The use of daylight as an architectural element contributes to an easy orientation for passengers, gives a feeling of navigating in a familiar universe and adds to the functional and minimalist design an experiential variation tuned to the sun and clouds."

Mikkel Beedholm, Architect & Partner, KHR Architecture


Daylight as a guide

In the Copenhagen Metro passengers have easy access from the urban space to the platform level of the stations, and skylights and prisms create a spatial connection between the two worlds below and above ground.

The lighting level on the platform is close to daylight in terms of clarity. Acrylic prisms are mounted on specially designed brackets so that they can be placed in 12 different positions, allowing sunlight and the movement of the sun over time to be captured and transmitted to the deep station space.

The pyramid-shaped skylights are found at most underground stations.


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