KHR Architecture, as the general contractor's architectural advisor, has carried out an adjustment round and design of the layout proposal for the Regional Hospital, which has been prepared by the client's advisor. The project comprises the design and construction of the first phase of the new joint emergency department at Randers Regional Hospital and the planning of the subsequent phases.
Central Jutland Region
5500 ㎡
Architectural consultancy, design and planning

Reception area with many facilities
The reception section includes a closed ambulance hall and ambulance yard, triage with work zone and reception, treatment section with examination room, observation and support functions, laboratory satellite with pipeline connection to the Clinical Biochemistry Department, patient facilities and interview room, relatives' room, and trauma room for the reception of seriously ill medical patients. In addition, work zones with space for small meetings, dictation and quiet rooms.
The bed section comprises 19 emergency beds, mainly in single rooms. Two wards are arranged as two-bed wards to accommodate the space requirements of severely obese patients. Examination room for echocardiography, support functions and patient facilities. Also reception, work zones and management office.

New joint emergency department, phase 1 - Regionshospitalet Randers
Phase 1 of the Regional Hospital in Randers covers 5,500m² and was opened in August 2014. The new emergency department is established with two separate entrances. One entrance is a screened ambulance access, the other entrance is a separate entrance for self-transporting patients.

Updating and rebuilding
In addition to new construction of the reception and inpatient wards, minor renovations have been carried out, connecting the new building to existing buildings. In addition, a new emergency generator room has been created adjacent to the existing emergency generator, and fire updates and sectioning of the existing traffic centre have been carried out.