KHR's focus on non-profit construction is showing results, both in our developer advisory department and now in our core business.

Together with Friis Andersen Architects and Holmsgaard Consulting Engineers, KHR Architecture has been selected to bid on a total consultancy contract for the holistic renovation and housing improvement of two non-profit housing associations in Albertslund built in 1969-1971.
The renovation is a master plan supported by Landsbyggefonden with an expected total construction cost of €201 million. DKK. It concerns the Albertslund Boligselskab building Damgården, Kærgården and Kildegården with a total of 280 dwellings and Vridsløselille Andelsboligforenings Fosgården and Bækgården developments with 226 dwellings and one commercial lease. Both housing companies are managed by BO-VEST, which wishes to use the same general consultant for both renovation projects in order to achieve synergies.
A total of four out of 11 teams have been invited to submit their initial offers by 25 August 2021.
Read more about KHR Architecture's services in renovation and housing.