Architect Mikkel Beedholm has created outstanding architecture for many years at KHR Architecture. With his analytical approach he creates architecture of high aesthetic quality and with his great commitment he contributes to the constant development of the firm.

On the occasion of Mikkel's 50th birthday, we bring you his portrait, an excerpt from our anniversary magazine "KHR Architecture - seventy year anniversary magazine".
"An analytical mind"
Current creative partner Mikkel Beedholm started at KHR right after his architecture studies and is today KHR's architecture and design manager. He has been in charge of a number of KHR's large and renowned projects, where his always sharp eye manages to make aesthetics and functionality go hand in hand, even in the most complex projects. Mikkel joined KHR in 1993, and his first assignment was counting doors at Bispebjerg Hospital. Since then, however, the complexity and responsibility of the tasks has grown dramatically, and just a few years later Mikkel was working on some of KHR's biggest projects.
Mikkel's collaboration with Jan Søndergaard
As a young, innovative architect, he played a key role in the development of B&O's headquarters and stores, and only a few years later he had full responsibility for the development of KMD Headquarters - a project that has both been nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award and been awarded the prestigious Red Dot Award. Mikkel has always worked closely with Jan Søndergaard. This has given him a wide range of development opportunities, which he has managed well and taken great responsibility for. Today he has taken over full responsibility for KHR's architecture and design development, where he is in charge of all projects. Mikkel has a unique approach to architecture, and in an amazing way he always manages to create architecture where functionality and flow are fully optimized, while aesthetics and materials support the building's functions. With curiosity, an always creative mind and a great realism, Mikkel approaches tasks with great zeal. EVERYTHING must be solved to perfection, and he doesn't stop until both heart and mind are fully convinced.
A creative joker
At the same time, Mikkel is the studio's big 'joker', who with his creative nature often comes up with good stories and quirky ideas. As an important part of the daily management of the design studio, Mikkel has shown his great ability to change. In Mikkel's time as a partner at KHR, we have gone from being a slightly old-fashioned design studio to being a modern company today. With his great interest in both architecture and the organisation, Mikkel contributes to the development of KHR - both as a company and architecturally. Mikkel has a great empathy for the projects and is able to think projects both from the inside out and from the outside in. This results in high quality architecture that takes into account both the users and the surrounding environment.
At the forefront of innovative school building
For example, he has led Ørestad Skole - a unique school where everything is designed with children in mindso that children feel safe, are curious and can better receive learning. The beautiful niches show his understanding of the children's need for space within space, and the unique facade testifies to his focus on creating sensual architecture. As head of KHR's competition team, Mikkel always manages to innovate and constantly push the boundaries of architecture, while integrating practicality, functionality and buildability. With great courage, he always addresses the weakest points of the projects and turns things around so that we see the projects in completely new perspectives. With a wealth of experience and knowledge in architecture and buildability, Mikkel contributes to finding new creative and realistic solutions.
He's often the one who throws the ball up in the air - and after it's been floating for a while, he's often the one who catches it again. Architectural solutions and spatial qualities are twisted and turned to find the right solution, and as an architect and professional, Mikkel is very serious and takes all types of assignments seriously. From large prestige projects to smaller builds, he doggedly goes after the optimal solution, for example when he solved the overall flow for the new Bispebjerg Acuthus and spearheaded our further development of the classic townhouse.