The project for I/S Vestforbrænding is based on the Board's desire for a master plan that ensures that the various buildings appear as a whole.
West Incineration
1825 ㎡
DKK 35 M

"The guiding motif for both architecture and functions is to bring together the many different functions in a harmonious extension of the existing striking concrete administration building and to signal openness in a contemporary architectural framework."
Mikkel Beedholm, Architect and Partner, KHR Architecture
On the trail of a whole
The present project is the first stage of this master plan and includes the establishment of a consumer service for general information and training of a wide range of waste consumers as well as a new conference room and staff canteen, new access and parking facilities and a new reception.
The first phase includes the establishment of a consumer service and a new conference room, as well as a staff canteen, new access and parking facilities and a new reception.