KHR Architecture expands its partner circle with three co-owners and appoints three associate partners. At the same time, the company is reorganised around three core business areas.

CEO Lars Kragh says:
- KHR has been through a restructuring process, during which we have been looking at ourselves and our business to lay a solid foundation for the future of KHR. The goal remains the good architecture, but a solid financial bottom line is a prerequisite. Therefore, we have chosen to focus our business around three areas where we have great expertise."
- In short, our business will now stand on three legs: one focusing on education and healthcare construction for public sector clients, another working on commercial and residential projects, primarily in the private sector, and construction consultancy as the third.
- We are expanding the group of partners by three people, two of whom are already employed by KHR today and will become an active part of the management. The third is an external partner who has proven over the past months to be a valuable sparring partner with strong commercial insight. Both new and old partners have injected capital into the company so that we once again have the necessary liquidity to do business."
-I am also very happy to announce three new associated partnerseach pointing the way to the KHR of the future. Mai Svanholt, Henrik Andersen and Morten Nøhr Frandsen are three strong candidates for future partners who can continue KHR's architectural heritage and help renew the organisation."
- I am very grateful for the trust that old, new and associated partners are showing KHR by supporting this reconstruction so wholeheartedly, and I believe that we now have a good starting point for creating architecture with people at the centre also in the next 75 years.
Facts about the partners
New partner Peter Nielsen is a civil engineer and has spent the last two years at KHR as sales manager and director of the client advisory service, which he has expanded significantly. He will continue in the same roles.
New partner Torben Juul is an architect and has been leading KHR's residential projects for the past year. Torben will be design director and business manager for the private sector and will be responsible for design and sales.
Henrik Danielsen is a building designer and architect with a long career at KHR, where he has been employed since 1986 and partner since 2006. As technical director, he will ensure high quality projects.
Mikkel Beedholm is an architect and has been a creative partner in KHR since 2003. As Creative Director, Mikkel will be responsible for concept development and will have his primary focus on architectural design.
Janina Zerbe is an architect and has been a creative partner at KHR since 2019. She will be responsible for the public sector and as creative director will participate in the architectural design and concept development at the firm.
Lars Kragh has been CEO of KHR Architecture since 2015 and partner since 2019. He continues as CEO and supports Janina Zerbe in her work with the public sector.
As a new external partner, Hans Peter Hertz will not be involved in day-to-day operations. He is a businessman with a background in the furniture industry and currently owns the office hotel Nomad Workspace in Nørrebro. H.P. Hertz knows KHR from the customer side.
See the whole team at KHR here.