The fight is not over yet

As part of the architecture and construction industry, we recognise that in 2023 there is still a significant inequality problem when it comes to gender and other parameters. While inequality may be less pronounced in an architectural practice like ours than in other parts of the industry, we still have a lot to fight for.

First and foremost, of course, our focus is on our own workplace, but as an architectural practice working on social sustainability, we also have the privilege and responsibility to help pave the way for more equality, inclusion and diversity through the projects we carry out.

Gender equality policy is a step in the right direction

We have therefore decided to set out a wide range of initiatives that will help ensure that all current and potential employees have the same opportunities in their career development and that we promote equality and inclusion through our business. Not only across gender and sexuality, but also regardless of age, ethnicity, disability, etc.

We do this both because we believe it is our duty and because we are convinced that a workplace and architecture that values and promotes diversity and inclusion ultimately strengthens our business.

Concrete focus areas of our gender equality policy

We recognise that delivering results requires sustained effort and commitment from all levels of our organisation, and that it is good to have concrete action areas and targets to move from policy to action. Therefore, based on our vision of promoting equality, diversity and inclusion, we explicitly focus on six areas in our new gender equality policy:

  • Work-life balance and organisational culture
  • Gender balance in management, decision-making and organisation.
  • Gender equality in recruitment and career development
  • Measures against gender-based violence, including sexual harassment
  • Intersectional perspective on diversity, equality and inclusion
  • Integration of gender, diversity, equity and inclusion dimensions in our services and products

Click to read our full gender equality policy or contact Cameline Bolbroe for more information.