Career at KHR - are you also passionate about good architecture?
At architectural firm KHR, we're always interested in hearing from potential employees with solid expertise and high integrity, both professionally and personally. We hire architects, designers, engineers and administrative staff from a variety of backgrounds. Click to see our current open positions or to send us an unsolicited application.

Working at KHR Architecture
At KHR Architecture, we have approximately 60 employees divided between architects, designers, engineers and a number of support functions within finance, HR, communication and service. From our office in the Gunboat Houses on Holmen, we have an international outlook and a persistent drive to create architecture that makes a difference to people and society.
We are a partner-driven company with a big heart for good architecture and a family working environment with a flat hierarchy. Management is never far away and everyone can contribute with great ideas and new initiatives.
In the picture we are at one of our annual study trips.

"I have learned a lot during my internship and time has flown by. I have jumped from one project to another and have been able to contribute to both competitions and design. People are super nice and KHR is a great place to work, which I can definitely recommend if you're not afraid to take on new tasks.
Chiara Martinelli, Architectural Intern at KHR Architecture in 2021

"I started as an intern at KHR in 2022 and haven't really left since. There's a lot of trust and always great colleagues to spar with, which has really made a difference to my professional development. Today, I work with everything from project planning to counselling and supervision, and for me, this is a really good starting point for my future career."
Mads Sydow, Building Designer at KHR Architecture

"KHR is a workplace where there is room for both the professional and the social, and you can feel the passion for good architecture. I like the diversity in my tasks and how we as a team manage to pull together."
Mai Svanholt, Architect and Associate Partner at KHR Architecture

Equal opportunities policy
We strive to be an inclusive workplace where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive and contribute professionally.
In our Gender Equality Plan, we set out our goals for promoting equality, diversity and inclusion, focusing on the following six areas:
- Work-life balance and organisational culture
- Gender balance in management, decision-making and organisation.
- Gender equality in recruitment and career development
- Measures against gender-based violence, including sexual harassment
- Intersectional perspective on diversity, equality and inclusion
- Integrating gender and DEI dimensions into our services and products
Read more in our Gender Equality Plan or contact Anne Lubbe for more information.