KHR won 1st prize for the proposal to create a vibrant and inclusive new town hall for employees and citizens of Hillerød. Focusing on themes of enlightenment, culture and empathy, the aim is to create a healthy working culture, presence and identity in daily use.
Hillerød Municipality
13 000 ㎡
DKK 130 M
Natural ventilation
1st prize in competition

"The overall architectural goal is a house that creates a sense of presence and identity in everyday use."
Janina Zerbe, Architect and Partner, KHR Architecture

Hillerød's new town hall at Trollesminde will be a living house for politics, employees and not least citizens
The Town Hall is designed to create a healthy working culture with positive collaboration between staff and interaction with political leadership, focusing on themes of enlightenment, culture and empathy. At the same time, the building invites everyone in, opening up to visitors and creating spaces and breaks for contemplation, conversation and exchange. The aim is to create the best possible framework for serving citizens.

The uniqueness of the place
The idea of the proposal is to create a building that architectural is based on the uniqueness of the place. The main building overlooks the cultural landscape and becomes a focal point on a par with village churches and the large farms that characterise the area. Visually, the Council Chamber is created as a landmark for the Town Hall, and visible across the Arrivals Square as a distinctive symbol of the democratic process for all in the new municipality.