The winning team consists of KHR architects and sub-consultants RUBOW arkitekter A/S, Oluf Jørgensen A/S Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma, Spangenberg & Madsen Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma A/S, WSP UK ltd and Opland Aps Landskabsarkitekter mdl.
The winning team consists of KHR architects and sub-consultants RUBOW arkitekter A/S, Oluf Jørgensen A/S Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma, Spangenberg & Madsen Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma A/S, WSP UK ltd and Opland Aps Landskabsarkitekter mdl. The project totals 25,000 m2 and includes a brand new forensic psychiatric ward with 126 beds. A unanimous judging panel highlighted that the winning project "offers a qualified bid for a visionary reinterpretation of the site's cultural heritage" and has a "consistent focus on the importance of healing architecture and patients' conditions in forensic psychiatry." read more here.