As general consultant, KHR Architecture is pleased to announce that the winners of the 16 professional contracts for the New Sct. Hans have been found - and not least that the prices we have received are below the client's contract sum. "Throughout the process we have had a good cooperation with both the client and the sub-consultants, while at the same time [...]

As general consultant, KHR Architecture is pleased to announce that the winners of the 16 professional contracts for the New Sct. Hans have been found - and not least that the prices we have received are below the client's contract sum. "Throughout the process, we have had a good working relationship with both the client and the sub-consultants, while at the same time maintaining tight control of the project. We believe that it has been a good tendering strategy to tender in specialist contracts and this has probably also had a positive impact on the price level," says Partner Henrik R. Danielsen. Time has now been set aside for a joint project review, where the construction management and the key contractors will review the project in order to organise the further process. This spring, the greenhouse contractor is expected to break ground and the overall construction is expected to be completed in early 2021, ready for occupancy this spring. Read more about the project New Forensic Psychiatry Sct. Hans here. Watch our developer's three short films about the construction project, the construction process and the 3D building model respectively here.